Στοιχεία Τόπου
Επίπεδα τόπων:
Χαρτογραφικό υπόβαθρο:
Γενικά Στοιχεία
Κατηγορία Τόπου | Βιότοπος NATURA | ||||||
Κωδικός Τόπου | GR2310015 | ||||||
Κύριος Χαρακτήρας |
Διοικητική Υποδιαίρεση | Νομός Αιτωλοακαρνανίας | ||||||
Δήμος-Κοινότητα | |||||||
Συνολική Έκταση (ha) | 44185.62 | ||||||
Χερσαία Έκταση (ha) | 23796.18 | ||||||
Συνολική Περίμετρος (km) | 411.5 | ||||||
Μέγιστο Υψόμετρο (m) | 913.0 | ||||||
Ελάχιστο Υψόμετρο (m) | |||||||
Ένταξη στο Υπάρχον Θεσμικό Πλαίσιο |
Οικολογική Αξία |
Κοινωνικοοικονομική/πολιτιστική Αξία |
Αισθητική Αξία |
Σχόλιο για τις αξίες | This is an important site for breeding, passage and wintering waterbirds and raptors. Species of concern include: Pelecanus crispus, Pleagadis falcinellus, Anas penelope, Aythya ferina, Aythya nyroca, Gyps fulvus, Aquila clanga, Aquila heliaca, Falco naumanni, Haematopus ostralegus, Recurvirostra avosetta, Burhinus oedicnemus, Glareola pratincola, Charadrius alexandrinus, Gallinago media, Numenius tenuirostris, Gelochelidon nilotica, Sterna caspia, Sterna albifrons and Calandrella brachydactyla. The site holds a plethora of waterbirds in winter, on a regular basis (including Anas penelope; Anas crecca; Anas clypeata; Fulica atra). The studied area is a compact ecosystem which although has been strongly influenced by human activities still has significant ecological value, for that reason the wetland it is included in the Ramsar Convention. The flora and fauna of the area is largely specialized due to the extensive presence and dominance of wet-element taxa. As mentioned above, despite land reclamation, extensive areas of salt marshes sandbanks and mudflats still exist. An important part of this site is the pure Fraxinus forest (the only one in Greece) that exists near the Lesini area. Relicts from such a riparian forest occur also on the eastern banks of the Evinos river. These areas have large ornithological and ecological value. The alluvium of the Evinos river are very significant and in very good condition. The estuary of this river consists of one of the most harmonized ecosystems we have encountered. The plant communities of this area are in excellent condition. The coastal zone between the Kleisova lagoon and the Evinos river is the largest unique and uniform part of natural saltmarsh in this site; it is also in a very good natural state. Of great ecological importance is also the ammophilous vegetation of this site which grows mainly on the islets of the lagoons. The important number of site' s islands presents big interest from phytosociological and floristic points of view. The vegetation of the site is composed of a lot of interesting endemic, rare or threatened plants. Centaurea niederi, which is a rare Greek endemic, is a plant listed in Annex II of the Council Directive 92/43/EEC and in the Bern Convention. This plant is listed in the WCMC Plant Database under the category "Endangered" and is also protected by Greek legislation (Presidential Decree 67/1981). Of the Greek endemic plants Teucrium halacsyanum, Silene squamigera and Ophrys argolica are classified as "Rare" in the WCMC Plants Database. The last plant is also protected by Greek legislation (Presidential Decree 67/1981). In addition to the Greek endemic species, some taxa interesting for other reasons, also exist in the site: a) Salvinia natans, which is a plant with interesting geographical distribution classified as "Endangered" in the WCMC Plants Database. This plant is also protected by law in Greece (Presidential Decree 67/1981); b) Scabiosa tenuis, Malcolmia graeca subsp. bicolor, Fritillaria thessala subsp. reiseri and Stachys spinulosa, which are Balkan endemics; c) Cotula coronopifolia, which has interesting geographical distribution area; d) Thalictrum lucidum, Malcolmia nana and Centaurium maritimum, which are rare plants with scattered distributions; e) Fraxinus angustifolia and Alnus glutinosa, the populations of which must be protected; f) Tamarix smyrnensis, which has a sporadic and limited distribution in Greece must also be protected. The fauna of this site is very diverse. Of the vertebrates (other than birds) recorded in the area nineteen are taxa mentioned in Annex II of the Directive 92/43/EEC (section 3.2). Some other non-bird vertebrates of the site have been evaluated as Other or Greek are Important Species as they fall under one to three of the four motivation categories in sections 3.3 and 3.4 for other reasons. Namely, some of these taxa indicated with motivation A are mentioned in the Greek Red Data Book under the categories "Endangered" (the Green Turtle Chelonia mydas and the bats Pipistrellus pipistrellus and P. nathusii), and "Vulnerable" (the jackal Canis aureus and the dolphin Delphinus delphis). All 34 taxa, except the jackal Canis aureus and the fishe Knipowitschia panizzae, receive the C motivation since they are protected by the Bern Convention while Chelonia mydas and the Wildcat Felis silvestris are also mentioned in the CITES Convention. One or more of the following reasons justify the D motivation “Important for other reasons” for most of the species listed in sections 3.3 and 3.4: a) Apart from the frog Rana ridibunda, the lizards Ophisaurus apodus and Ablepharus kitaibelii, the snake Vipera ammodytes, the hare Lepus europaeus, the jackal Canis aureus, the marten Martes foina, the Wildcat Felis silvestris and all six fishes, the remaining taxa are protected by the Greek Presidential Decree 67/1981; b) The newt Triturus vulgaris graecus, and the lizards Algyroides nigropunctatus and Podarcis taurica ionica are Balkan endemics; c) the anurans Bufo viridis, Hyla arborea, Rana dalmatina, the turtle Chelonia mydas, the lizards Cyrtodactylus kotschyi, Ablepharus kitaibelii, the snake Natrix tessellata, the bat Pipistrellus nathusii, the Wildcat Felis silvestris and the dolphin Delphinus delphis are included in the lists of the CORINE-Biotopes Project; d) The fish Knipowitschia panizzae is known in Greece only from River Evinos; e) The lizard Cyrtodactylus kotschyi has a discontinuous distribution in Greece with isolated populations; f) The hare and wildcat are generally rare in Greece; g) The turtle Chelonia mydas is also evaluated by the IUCN Red List and the UNEP lists. The invertebrate species occuring in the site listed in section 3.4 with motivation D are important for other reasons too. They are protected by the Greek Presidential Decree 67/1981, except Everes argiades which is included in the list of "Threatened Rhopalocera (butterflies) of Europe". |
Απειλές/διαταραχές |
Σχόλιο για τις απειλές-διαταραχές | |
Τρωτότητα | The area has been strongly influenced by human activities. Moreover the biggest threat to the ecosystem is the proposed deviation of river Acheloos, that will affect the quality and balance of the water in the lagoons. The implications of this project have been extensively studied (Vasilakis and Bousbouras 1991, 1992).The preservation of this water balance is of great importance for the conservation of the ecosystem as a whole.The area of the eastern part of the Kleisova lagoon is strongly polluted by the wastewaters from Mesolongi, which causes continuous eutrophication in the lagoon. The sand-dunes are strongly threatened by arbitrary building especially in the Louros area. The gallery woodlands seem to be the most effected ecosystems. They are reduced by continuous tree-felling. In addition the forests are being reduced as this land is taken for agricultural use. The Fraxinus forest has been also greatly threatened by grazing and its regeneration is very difficult as the saplings and soil are trampled by cattle. The area between the Kleisova lagoon and the Evinos river, of the wider site which is a significant habitat, presents problems of ownership and is claimed by civilians, as well as by the village of Evinochori. This area is the target of drainage works which result in the disappearance of an important and rare flora and fauna. During the period from the 1930's to the 1970's various reclamation work took place, which caused the degradation and in some cases the disappearance of rare natural habitats. Extensive areas of salt-marshes were altered either successfully or unsuccessfully to agricultural land. The freshwater marshes almost disappeared, along with the alluvial forest. There is also continuing the land reclamation of Tamarix spp. and Juniperus spp. which consist of elements of natural habitats. The habitats of the Echinades islands are in good condition. Anthropogenic activities (grazing, hunting, etc.) which are practised on these islands and effect important sea-bird breeding grounds and many reptile habitats, need to be significantly reduced in order to prevent habitat degradation. One suitable, organized and controled ecotourist development which respects the environment could contribute to the preservation and protection of the natural, biological richness of the site. |
Προτεραιότητα προστασίας |
Πανίδα και Χλωρίδα
Χαρακτηριστικά Ενδιαιτήματα |
Αξιόλογα Φυτά |
Αξιόλογα Θηλαστικά |
Αξιόλογα Πτηνά |
Αξιόλογα Αμφίβια / Ερπετά |
Αξιόλογα Ψάρια |
Αξιόλογα Ασπόνδυλα |
Σχόλια για τα είδη |