Στοιχεία Τόπου

Επίπεδα τόπων:

Σχεδίαση επιφανειών
Κωδικοί τόπων

Χαρτογραφικό υπόβαθρο:

Open cycle map
Open Street map
Κτηματολόγιο Α.Ε.

Γενικά Στοιχεία

Κατηγορία Τόπου Βιότοπος NATURA
Κωδικός Τόπου GR2120002
Κύριος Χαρακτήρας
Φυσικό Τοπίο
Δομημένο Τοπίο
Διοικητική Υποδιαίρεση Νομός Θεσπρωτίας
Συνολική Έκταση (ha) 786.78
Χερσαία Έκταση (ha) 786.78
Συνολική Περίμετρος (km) 11.7
Μέγιστο Υψόμετρο (m) 328.0
Ελάχιστο Υψόμετρο (m) 139.0
Ένταξη στο Υπάρχον Θεσμικό Πλαίσιο


Τύπος Τοπίου
Περιγραφή Τόπου The Ranunculus trichophyllus plant association covers extensive areas which maintain water early in spring. The climax plant association of Nymphaetum albae is characterized by the dominance of Nymphaea alba and is accompanied by other less frequent plant species. Both of these associations belong to the class Potamogenetea pectinati. The Phragmitetum australis, Caricetum pseudocyperi, Cladietum marisci, and Scirpetum lacustris associations belong to the class Phragmitetea which covers the majority of this wetland. The zone surrounding the wetland is also quite characteristic; Vitex agnus castus occurs in this zone.
Κατάσταση Τόπου
Εγκατάλειψη οικισμών
Τάση Κατάστασης Τόπου
Ιστορία και εξέλιξη του τόπου
Σημεία με καλή Θέα
Μονοπάτια Περίπατοι


Οικολογική Αξία
Κοινωνικοοικονομική/πολιτιστική Αξία
Αισθητική Αξία
Σχόλιο για τις αξίες The halophytic plant associations appear to be quite variable. In these associations plants of great scientific interest and aesthetic value have been observed. The Kalodiki fen is an area of great importance in comparison with the other wetlands of W Greece, and constitutes a unique peatland formation. The following species have been allocated motivation D for the reasons outlined below: Petrorhagia obcordata subsp. epirotica, which is a Balkan endemic distributed in Greece and the former Yugoslavia; in Greece occurring only in Epeiros and Thessaly; Cladium mariscus, an endangered aquatic species occurring in the northwestern parts of Kalodiki fen forming a charcteristic plant association; Nymphaea alba, which grows in places protected from wind and fast-flowing water, on substrates with old plant remains. The aesthetic value of its plant communtities is very high in the whole of the wetland. Its populations, however, are degraded and must be placed under protection; Ranunculus trichophyllus, a european species forming aesthetically impressive plant associations within the water of the Kalodiki fen. The wetland of Kalodiki is an old, well-conserved lake with a noteworthy fauna. Among the species living in this ecosystem Lutra lutra is the most striking since it is thought to be a good bioindicator of unpolluted water. This taxon, together with some reptiles, are among those referred in Annex II of the Directive 92/43/EEC (see section 3.2). Some Other and Greek Important vertebrate taxa (excluding birds) have been recorded from this site (section 3.3). The mole Talpa stankovici (written as T. romana) and the jackal Canis aureus, are mentioned in the Greek Red Data Book as "Insufficiently Known" and "Vulnerable" respectively. Some of the taxa are protected by the Bern Convention thus being eligible for motivation C. Moreover, the wildcat Felis silvestris receives motivation C, since it is also mentioned in the CITES Convention. Some of the taxa are also protected by the Greek Presidential Decree 67/1981 and so justify the motivation D (the excluded taxa are both Rana species, the legless lizard Ophisaurus apodus, the viperid snake Vipera ammodytes, the noutria Myocastor coypus, the marten Martes foina, the badger M. meles, the jackal, the wildcat and the three rodent taxa of the genera Microtus and Apodemus).Additionally, the toad Bufo viridis, the frog Hyla arrborea and the colubrid snake Natrix tessellata receive motivation D because they have been evaluated by the CORINE-Biotopes Project. The wildcat is marked with D since it has been evaluated by the above project and is generally a rare species in Greece. Some taxa justify motivation D as they are Balkan endemics (Rana epeirotica, Alygyroides nigropunctatus, Podarcis taurica ionica, Microtus thomasi, and both Apodemus taxa). The occurrence of a considerable bird community in this site completes the rich vertebrate fauna of the area. Threatened species such as Milvus migrans ("Endangered"), Ardea purpurea, Aquila pomarina (both "Vulnerable") and Anas querquedula ("Insufficiently Known"), are elements of this avifauna. The invertebrate species listed in section 3.3 with motivation D is protected by the Greek Presidential Decree 67/1981.


Σχόλιο για τις απειλές-διαταραχές
Τρωτότητα This site appears to be threatened by the dumping of waste and other materials. Other factors are mentioned in section 6. Hunting and shooting are the main direct threats to the local fauna, especially migratory birds. Grazing and arable farming largely influence the area and cause detrimental effects to many animal habitats (due to deforestation, uncontrolled water extraction, alterations in vegetation composition, pollution by the overuse of fertilizers and pesticides, river-bank erosion, etc). Proposals for tourist development of the area have also been made; their realization will probably have serious impacts on the whole ecosystem.
Προτεραιότητα προστασίας

Πανίδα και Χλωρίδα

Χαρακτηριστικά Ενδιαιτήματα
Αξιόλογα Φυτά
Carex acuta
Ranunculus trichophyllus trichophyllus
Silene ungeri
Αξιόλογα Θηλαστικά
Canis aureus moreoticus (Τσακάλι)
Crocidura suaveolens balcanica (Κηπομυγαλή των Βαλκανίων)
Felis silvestris morea (Αγριόγατος του Μωριά)
Lutra lutra (Βίδρα)
Martes foina (Κουνάβι)
Martes martes (Δεντροκούναβο)
Meles meles (Ασβός)
Mustela nivalis galinthias (Νυφίτσα)
Myocastor coypus (Μυοκάστορας)
Αξιόλογα Πτηνά
Accipiter nisus nisus (Τσιχλογέρακο)
Acrocephalus arundinaceus (Τσιχλοποταμίδα)
Alcedo atthis (Αλκυόνα)
Anas acuta (Ψαλίδα)
Anas platyrhynchos (Πρασινοκέφαλη)
Anas querquedula (Σαρσέλα)
Aquila pomarina (Κραυγαητός)
Ardea cinerea (Σταχτοτσικνιάς)
Ardeola ralloides (Κρυπτοτσικνιάς)
Aythya nyroca (Βαλτόπαπια)
Buteo buteo buteo (Γερακίνα)
Buteo rufinus rufinus (Αητογερακίνα)
Ciconia ciconia (Λευκοπελαργός)
Ciconia nigra (Μαυροπελαργός)
Circaetus gallicus (Φιδαητός)
Circus aeruginosus (Καλαμόκιρκος)
Circus cyaneus (Βαλτόκιρκος)
Cygnus olor (Κύκνος)
Falco naumanni (Κιρκινέζι)
Falco vespertinus (Μαυροκιρκίνεζο)
Ficedula albicollis (Κρικομυγοχάφτης)
Fulica atra (Φαλαρίδα)
Gyps fulvus (Όρνιο)
Himantopus himantopus (Καλαμοκανάς)
Hirundo rustica rustica (Χελιδόνι)
Lanius senator senator (Κοκκινοκέφαλος)
Milvus migrans aegypticus (Τσίφτης Αιγυπτιακός)
Neophron percnopterus (Ασπροπάρης)
Nycticorax nycticorax (Νυχτοκόρακας)
Philomachus pugnax (Μαχητής)
Plegadis falcinellus
Streptopelia turtur (Τριγώνι)
Sylvia cantillans albistriata (Κοκκινοτσιροβάκος)
Tachybaptus ruficollis (Νανοβουτηχτάρι)
Vanellus vanellus (Καλημάνα)
Αξιόλογα Αμφίβια / Ερπετά
Algyroides nigropunctatus (Κερκυραϊκή σαύρα)
Bufo bufo bufo (Χωματόφρυνος)
Bufo viridis viridis (Πρασινόφρυνος)
Elaphe quatuorlineata quatuorlineata (Λαφίτης)
Emys orbicularis (Βαλτοχελώνα)
Hyla arborea arborea (Δεντροβάτραχος)
Lacerta trilineata cariensis (Τρανόσαυρα της Ικαρίας)
Malpolon monspessulanus insignitus (Σαπίτης)
Natrix natrix persa (Ντρόφιδο το Περσικό)
Natrix tessellata tessellata (Κυβόφιδο)
Ophisaurus apodus thracius (Τυφλίτης)
Testudo hermanni hermanni (Ονυχοχελώνα)
Testudo marginata (Κρασπεδωτή χελώνα)
Vipera ammodytes meridionalis (Οχιά)
Αξιόλογα Ψάρια
Αξιόλογα Ασπόνδυλα
Σχόλια για τα είδη