Σχόλιο για τις αξίες |
The silicious substrate as well as the continental climate of the area have created exceptional conditions for the development of a rich and rare flora. The stream by itself, which is of permanent flow, was the main contributor to the topography of the area. One riparian forest of poplars, willows and alders is the largest such remnant in the area. Although the basin is quite small it is still important for resident raptors and species associated with alpine habitats. Species of concern include: Aquila chrysaetos. for raptors, passerines, mammals (bear, wolf, roedeer) and reptiles. The stream also holds an important population of the local endemic trout. Furthermore, the area is of high traditional heritage value preserving traditional houses and watermills, as well as the old practice of nomadic sheep raising. In some of the flowing waters of this site exist considerable populations of wild trout, Salmo macrostigma. According to Economidis (1991), the valid name of the following taxon Salmo macrostigma is Salmo trutta peristericus which is endemic in the area. Concerning the fauna the quality of the site is indicated by the occurence of the invertebrates Apatura iris, Apatura ilia, Erebia ligea, Parnassius mnemosyne, Coenonympha leander, Boloria graeca, Erebia ottomana, Melanargia russiae which are contained to the Presidential Decree 67/1981, the invertebrates Colias balcanica, Erebia euryale, Nymphalis xanthomelas, Pyrgus alveus which are refered to Heath j. 1981. Threatened Rhopalocera (butterflies) of Europe. Council of Europe and the reptiles Lacerta agilis, Vipera berus which are refered to Council of Europe 1979. Convention on the conservation of european willife and natural habitats (Bern Convention).Concerning the wild growning plants the quality of the site is indicated by the occurrence of many important taxa. Among them, 6 taxa are greek endemics (between them one local endemic), one taxon is protected by the Bern International Convention, 7 taxa (Anthemis cretica ssp. columnae, Barbarea sicula, Dianthus myrtinervius ssp. myrtinervius, Festuca koritnicensis, Heracleum orphanidis, Ramonda serbica, Viola eximia) are included in the WCMC and/or European Red Data list, 13 taxa (Acer heldreichii, Aster alpinus, Dianthus gracilis ssp. gracilis, Dianthus viscidus, Digitalis viridiflora, Gentiana lutea, Gentiana punctata, Knautia magnifica, Lilium carniolicum ssp. albanicum, Narcissus poeticus ssp. radiiflorus, Pinus peuce, Scabiosa taygetea ssp. portae, Viola tricolor ssp. macedonica) are protected by the Greek Presidental Decree (67/1981), 19 taxa (Achillea distans, Festuca horvatiana, Geum montanum, Hieracium alpicola, Hieracium naegelianiforme, Ornithogalum kochii, Pedicularis brachyodonta ssp. grisebachii, Poa media, Potentilla aurea ssp. chrysocraspeda, Ranunculus incomparabilis, Saxifraga pedemontana ssp. cymosa, Saxifraga stellaris ssp. alpigena, Senecio abrotanifolius ssp. carpathicus, Senecio subalpinus, Sesleria coerulans, Stellaria uliginosa, Trollius europaeus, Veronica bellidioides, Viola velutina) are rare in Greece and/or reach their extreme distribution limits in Northern Greece, 29 taxa (Achillea chrysocoma, Alchemilla indivisa, Asperula aristata ssp. nestia, Bruckenthalia spiculifolia, Campanula spatulata ssp. spatulata, Centaurea deustiformis, Centaurea napulifera ssp. velenovskyi, Cerastium banaticum ssp. speciosum, Cerastium rectum, Cirsium appendiculatum, Crocus cvijicii, Crocus sieberi ssp. sublimis, Crocus veluchensis, Dianthus pinifolius ssp. lilacinus, Dianthus tristis, Erysimum microstylum, Festuca peristerea, Galium anisophyllon ssp. plebeium, Geranium aristatum, Herniaria parnassica ssp. parnassica, Myosotis alpestris ssp. suaveolens, Pedicularis leucodon ssp. leucodon, Pinguicula balcanica ssp. balcanica, Silene asterias, Silene parnassica, Silene waldsteinii, Thesium parnassi, Thymus stojanovii, Viola orphanidis) are Balkan endemics and 8 taxa (Campanula foliosa, Campanula trichocalycina, Geum coccineum, Lamium garganicum ssp. garganicum, Ornithogalum oligophyllum, Silene roemeri, Stachys cretica ssp. cassia, Thymus thracicus) find their main distribution area in the Balkan Peninsula extending also to Turkey or Italy. |