Σχόλιο για τις αξίες |
The quality and importance of the site result mainly from the great number of endemic and very rare plants and invertebrates existing in the area. This high degree of endemism derives mainly from the geographical location of Samos island (very close to Asia Minor) as well as from the high altitudes and the fair variety of biotopes existing within the proposed site. It is worth noting that the plant species Alyssum samium, Anthemis rosea ssp. rosea, Centaurea xylobasis, Muscari kerkis, Consolida samia and Erodium sibthorpianum ssp. vetteri are local endemics. It must be mentioned, as well, that due to the isolation from the main tourist areas of Samos island and the limited human activities within the site, the Pinus brutia and Cupressus sempervirens forests are at a very good conservation status. The area has more birds of prey than many other islands due to the vicinity the Turkish mainland. It is also a very important staging post for bird migration on the Turkish coast flyway and it is characterized as one of the Important Bird Areas (IBA) in Europe. The area of Mikro and Megalo Seitani, an area of great aesthetic and ecological value, is important to both Caretta caretta and Monachus monachus.OTHER IMPORTANT SPECIES WITH MOTIVATION DPlants: The following species are protected by the CITES Convention: Epipactis helleborine, Listera ovata, Orchis tridentata (Annex C); and Galanthus elwesii (Appendix II).Cruciata taurica ssp. occidentalis is endemic to Samos and SW Anatolia. Acantholimon echinus ssp. echinus, Petrorhagia armerioides, Satureja spinosa are species with distribution in Greece and Anatolia. Symphytum anatolicum is a species of the East Aegean Islands (Lesvos, Kos, Samos, Ikaria) and W Anatolia. Sideritis sipylea is a species of W. and C. Anatolia extending to the East Aegean Islands (Lesvos, Chios, Samos, Ikaria). Myosotis refracta ssp. paucipilosa is a species scattered in Greece (Lefka Ori, Nafpaktos, Boumistos, Samos) and S Anatolia. Lithodora hispidula ssp. hispidula is endemic to the East Aegean Islands, Kriti and W Turkey. Daphne gnidioides is endemic to the Greek mainland, the Aegean islands, S and SW Anatolia. Brassica cretica ssp. aegaea is a chasmophyte with distribution in Greece, SW Anatolia, Mt Carmel.The following species are included in the IUCN Red Data List in the category of threatened plants: Aethionema saxatile ssp. creticum, Astragalus ptilodes, Pterocephalus pinardii, Fritillaria bithynica, Allium frigidum, Papaver nigrotinctum (=Papaver argemone ssp. nigrotinctum). These species are also protected by the Greek Law (Presidential Decree 67/81).Draba heterocoma ssp. archipelagi (rare), Lamyropsis cynaroides (rare), Pteris vittata (rare), Cyathophylla chlorifolia (vulnerable) are included in the IUCN Red Data List (1993) in the category of threatened plants. Tordylium hirtocarpum is protected by the Greek Law (Presidential Decree 67/81).Notes: 1) The IUCN characterizations given concern the plant’s status in Greece; 2) Scutellaria rubicunda ssp. icarica (=Scutellaria brevibracteata ssp. icarica) is endemic to Samos and Ikaria.Invertebrates: The species Carcharodus flocciferus, Epallage fatime, Platycnemis pennipes and Thesarmonia thersamon are rare and threatened and in need of protection. The species Pontia chloridice, Charaxes jacius, archon appollinus, Allancastria cerisy, Papilio alexanor, Pieris ergane and Hipparchia aristaeus are protected by the Greek law 67/1981. |