Στοιχεία Τόπου

Επίπεδα τόπων:

Σχεδίαση επιφανειών
Κωδικοί τόπων

Χαρτογραφικό υπόβαθρο:

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Κτηματολόγιο Α.Ε.

Γενικά Στοιχεία

Κατηγορία Τόπου Βιότοπος NATURA
Κωδικός Τόπου GR2320010
Κύριος Χαρακτήρας
Φυσικό Τοπίο
Δομημένο Τοπίο
Διοικητική Υποδιαίρεση Νομός Αχαϊας
Συνολική Έκταση (ha) 15705.36
Χερσαία Έκταση (ha) 15705.36
Συνολική Περίμετρος (km) 87.8
Μέγιστο Υψόμετρο (m) 1771.0
Ελάχιστο Υψόμετρο (m) 140.0
Ένταξη στο Υπάρχον Θεσμικό Πλαίσιο


Τύπος Τοπίου
Περιγραφή Τόπου The site is located in the northern part of Peloponnisos, south of the town of Aigio. It includes the mountains of Marmpas (Barmpas or Chionistra) and Klokos, the steep slopes of the gorge of the Selinountas river which flows between them, as well as the riverside ecosystem.Mt. Marmpas has an altitude of 1615 m and is the south-eastern section of Mt. Panachaiko. It is characterized by a variety of geological substrates such as alpine sediments, limestone, argilic shistolith and flysh, as well as deposits of argilic elements, conglomerates, pebbles, etc.The vegetation at its lower altitudes is influenced by human activities (mainly olive groves). On the eastern slope of the mountain, Pinus halepensis forest and maquis extend up to an altitude of about 800-900 m. In the higher altitudes of this side, a few scattered Abies cephalonica trees grow, while the upper part of the mountain is characterized by bare limestone rocks. Steep slopes occur at the lower eastern part of the mountain by the sides of the Selinountas river (Selinountas gorge). The largest area of the northern, western and southern part of the mountain, included in the studied site is covered by dense Abies cephalonica forest, except on the bare limestone rocks of the peak. Around the village of Ano Mazaraki agricultural land exists. Mt. Klokos (or Fteri) is a small isolated mountain with a maximum altitude of 1779 m and several other peaks such as Vromovrysi (1119 m), Louros (1112 m), Paliopyrgos (1363 m), Pelenikos (1405 m) and Polyrizo (1275 m). It is characterized by the same geological susbstrates as Mt. Marmpas.On its lower northern part, agricultural land exists covered mainly by olive trees. North of the monastery of Agioi Taxiarches (Moni Pammegiston Taxiarchon) an extensive Pinus halepensis forest grows covering the majority of the northern and western part of the mountain up to an altitude of 800-900 m. Close to this monastery at the place of Agios Leontios old monastery, vertical conglomerate cliffs exist with many caves where many important birds find refuge. On these cliffs we find small populations of the endemic plant species Asperula arcadiensis, Campanula topaliana subsp. cordifolia accompanied by Onosma frutescens, Aurinia saxatilis, Aethionema saxatilis etc.The shrub layer, which grows under the pine trees is largely composed of maquis comprising chracteristic species such as Quercus coccifera, Pistacia lentiscus, Phillyrea media, Arbutus unedo, A. adrachne, Laurus nobilis, Cercis siliquastrum and Crataegus monogyna as well as scattered trees of Ostrya carpinifolia and Acer sp. In places where the shruby vegetation is sparse, phrygana comprising Cistus creticus, C. salviifolius, Satureja graeca, Ballota acetabulosa, Hypericum empetrifolium etc. is present. The appearance of solitary Abies cephalonica trees among the maquis and the Pine forest begins from about 750 m altitude. In the higher altitudes, Abies cephalonica forest extents up to about 1400 m. Many dried trees are observed in this area. The Abies cephalonica forest is more common in the eastern part of Klokos, above the villages of Pyrgaki and Fteri, as well as near the village of Ano Mavriki on the southern side of the mountain. In the habitat class N17 (Coniferous woodland) Abies cephalonica forest cover has been taken into consideration. The higher part of this side is characterized by open grasslands, which are overgrazed. In these grasslands, Asphodeline lutea predominates. On the bare limestone rocks of the peak, typical species of rocky habitas such as Aubrieta deltoidea s.l., Geranium subcaulescens and the Peloponnesian endemic Aurinia moreana exist. Selinountas river, which flows from the area of the village of Vlassia has cut a steep, deep gorge between Mts. Marmpas and Klokos. The main rocky susbtrate of the gorge is conglomerate. This gorge is of large importance for the wild flora and fauna. At the bottom of the gorge by the riverside there are stands of Platanus orientalis mixed with Salix alba, S. eleagnus and S. fragilis.This riparian vegetation follows the riverbed almost along its entire length.
Κατάσταση Τόπου
Εγκατάλειψη οικισμών
Τάση Κατάστασης Τόπου
Ιστορία και εξέλιξη του τόπου
Σημεία με καλή Θέα
Μονοπάτια Περίπατοι


Οικολογική Αξία
Κοινωνικοοικονομική/πολιτιστική Αξία
Αισθητική Αξία
Σχόλιο για τις αξίες Although there has not been a complete floristic survey of the studied area, seven Greek endemic species have been recorded. Among these plants the most important are: 1) Aurinia moreana which grows on mountains of N Peloponnisos, 2) Crepis incana and Campanula topaliana subsp. cordifolia, which are Peloponnesian endemics, and 3) Asperula arcadiensis which has a limited distribution area in Northern Peloponnisos and Sterea Ellada. We had no previous records of this species for the area and we found it on conglomerate rocks close to the old monastery of Agios Leontios (above the Agioi Taxiarches monastery). As concerns the plant species which are important for other reasons, we can mention: 1) Allium frigidum which has an interesting phytogeographical distribution on the mountains of Peloponnisos and SW Anatolia, and has been classified as "Rare" in the WCMC Plants Database and in the European Red List of Globally Threatened Animals and Plants (UNEP, 1991), 2) Carduus tmoleus distributed in the Balkan Peninsula and Anatolia, and 3) Pinguicula crystalina subsp. hirtiflora (P. hyrtiflora) distributed in S Italy, SW Yugoslavia, Albania and Greece and is included in the Bern Convention. The zoological interest of this site is focused on three non-bird vertebrate taxa listed in Annex II of the Directive 92/43/EEC and on some Other and Greek Important Species (see sections 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4). The lizards Anguis cephallonicus, Lacerta graeca and Podarcis peloponnesiaca are endemic to Greece (all confined to Peloponnisos, the former also present in some of the Ionion Islands). Some taxa (with the exception of L. c. peloponnensis and Microtus thomasi) have also been included in the Bern Convention. Also, some taxa (with the exceptions of Vipera ammodytes, M. thomasi, Martes foina, Meles meles, and L. c. peloponnensis) are protected by the Greek Presidential Decree 67/1981. Three taxa, the lizard Podarcis taurica ionica, the colubrid snake Coluber gemonensis and the vole Microtus thomasi are Balkan endemics, while the newt Triturus alpestris is an important species because of its broken distribution in Greece, especially in northern Peloponnisos, which seems to be the southernmost end of the distribution range of this taxon in Europe. This site is an EC Important Bird Area since it maintains a considerable avifauna including rare and threatened birds of prey, most notably the Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) and Lanner Falcon (Falco biarmicus). The former colony of Griffon Vultures doesn't exist anymore and single birds are recorded only during migration. Equally important is the presence of the White-backed Woodpecker (Dendrocopos leucotos), a rare woodpecker found only in few localities in the Peloponnese.


Σχόλιο για τις απειλές-διαταραχές
Τρωτότητα The degradation of Abies cephalonica forest is a consequence of intense erosion and grazing. Grazing is also one of the major threats to the plant associations occurring in the open grasslands.Part of the pine forest under Pyrgaki village has been destroyed by fire. Human activities such as forestry, stock-farming, uncontrolled hunting and shooting, are the main threats to the ecosystem of this site. During the summer there is increased tourism because of the natural beauty of the site itself and the area around it, as well as thepresence of the famous Moni Taxiarchon monastery. Of course all these activities cause various problems to the local fauna, particularly to the aquatic and flying animals. Drainage of the natural still water masses and springs for water intake purposes, seriously threatens the few small colonies of the newt Triturus alpestris, a very rare species throughout the Peloponnese.
Προτεραιότητα προστασίας

Πανίδα και Χλωρίδα

Χαρακτηριστικά Ενδιαιτήματα
Αξιόλογα Φυτά
Abies cephalonica (Κεφαλλονίτικο έλατο)
Asperula arcadiensis
Aurinia moreana
Campanula topaliana cordifolia
Fritillaria graeca
Αξιόλογα Θηλαστικά
Lutra lutra (Βίδρα)
Martes foina (Κουνάβι)
Meles meles (Ασβός)
Mustela nivalis galinthias (Νυφίτσα)
Αξιόλογα Πτηνά
Accipiter gentilis butoides (Διπλοσάινο)
Accipiter nisus nisus (Τσιχλογέρακο)
Actitis hypoleucos (Ποταμότριγγας)
Alcedo atthis (Αλκυόνα)
Alectoris graeca (Πετροπέρδικα)
Anthus campestris campestris (Χαμοκελάδα)
Anthus pratensis pratensis (Λιβαδοκελάδα)
Anthus trivialis trivialis (Δενδροκελάδα)
Apus apus apus (Σταχτάρα)
Apus melba melba (Σκεπαρνάς)
Apus pallidus illyricus (Ωχροσταχτάρα)
Aquila chrysaetos chrysaetos (Χρυσαητός)
Aquila pomarina (Κραυγαητός)
Ardea cinerea (Σταχτοτσικνιάς)
Bubo bubo bubo (Μπούφος)
Buteo buteo buteo (Γερακίνα)
Buteo rufinus rufinus (Αητογερακίνα)
Caprimulgus europaeus (Γυδοβυζάχτρα)
Carduelis spinus (Λούγαρο)
Charadrius dubius (Ποταμοσφυριχτής)
Ciconia nigra (Μαυροπελαργός)
Circaetus gallicus (Φιδαητός)
Circus aeruginosus (Καλαμόκιρκος)
Coccothraustes coccothraustes (Κοκκοθραύστης)
Columba oenas oenas (Φασσοπερίστερο)
Columba palumbus palumbus (Φάσσα)
Coracias garrulus (Χαλκοκουρούνα)
Coturnix coturnix (Ορτύκι)
Cuculus canorus (Κούκος)
Delichon urbica urbica (Σπιτοχελίδονο)
Dendrocopos leucotos lilfordi (Λευκονώτης)
Dendrocopos medius medius (Μεσοτσικλητάρα)
Egretta garzetta (Λευκοτσικνιάς)
Emberiza hortulana (Βλάχος)
Emberiza melanocephala (Αμπελουργός)
Erithacus rubecula balcanica (Κοκκινολαίμης των Βαλκανίων)
Falco biarmicus feldeggi (Χρυσογέρακο)
Falco eleonorae (Μαυροπετρίτης)
Falco naumanni (Κιρκινέζι)
Falco peregrinus brookei (Πετρίτης)
Falco subbuteo (Δεντρογέρακο)
Falco vespertinus (Μαυροκιρκίνεζο)
Ficedula hypoleuca (Μαυρομυγοχάφτης)
Ficedula semitorquata (Δρυομυγοχάφτης)
Fringilla coelebs coelebs (Σπίνος)
Fringilla montifringilla (Χειμωνόσπινος)
Fulica atra (Φαλαρίδα)
Gallinago gallinago (Μεκατσίνι)
Gyps fulvus (Όρνιο)
Hieraaetus fasciatus (Σπιζαητός)
Hieraaetus pennatus (Σταυραητός)
Hippolais pallida elaeica (Ωχροστριτσίδα)
Hirundo daurica rufula (Δεντροχελίδονο)
Hirundo rustica rustica (Χελιδόνι)
Lanius collurio collurio (Αητόμαχος)
Lanius senator senator (Κοκκινοκέφαλος)
Lullula arborea arborea (Δεντροσταρήθρα)
Luscinia megarhynchos (Αηδόνι)
Merops apiaster (Μελισσοφάγος)
Milvus migrans aegypticus (Τσίφτης Αιγυπτιακός)
Monticola saxatilis (Πετροκότσυφας)
Motacilla alba alba (Λευκοσουσουράδα)
Motacilla cinerea (Σταχτοσουσουράδα)
Motacilla flava beema (Κιτρινοσουσουράδα)
Muscicapa striata neumanni (Σταχτομυγοχάφτης)
Neophron percnopterus (Ασπροπάρης)
Oenanthe hispanica (Ασπροκώλα)
Oenanthe oenanthe oenanthe (Σταχτοπετρόκλης)
Oriolus oriolus oriolus (Συκοφάγος)
Otus scops (Γκιώνης)
Pernis apivorus (Σφηκιάρης)
Phoenicurus ochruros (Καρβουνιάρης)
Phoenicurus phoenicurus phoenicurus (Κοκκινονούρης)
Phylloscopus bonelli orientalis (Βουνοφυλλοσκόπος)
Phylloscopus collybita abietinus (Δενδροφυλλοσκόπος των ελάτων)
Phylloscopus sibilatrix (Δασοφυλλοσκόπος)
Phylloscopus trochilus acredula (Θαμνοφυλλοσκόπος)
Prunella modularis (Θαμνοψάλτης)
Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax docilis (Κοκκινοκαλιακούδα)
Regulus regulus (Χρυσοβασιλίσκος)
Riparia riparia riparia (Οχθοχελίδονο)
Saxicola rubetra (Καστανολαίμης)
Scolopax rusticola (Μπεκάτσα)
Streptopelia turtur (Τριγώνι)
Sturnus vulgaris tauricus (Ψαρόνι του Ταύρου)
Sylvia atricapilla (Μαυροσκούφης)
Sylvia borin borin (Κηποτσιροβάκος)
Sylvia cantillans albistriata (Κοκκινοτσιροβάκος)
Sylvia communis communis (Θαμνοτσιροβάκος)
Sylvia curruca curruca (Λαλοτσιροβάκος)
Sylvia hortensis crassirostris (Δεντροτσιροβάκος)
Sylvia rueppelli (Μουστακοτσιροβάκος)
Tringa ochropus (Δασότριγγας)
Turdus philomelos (Τσίχλα)
Turdus pilaris (Κεδρότσιχλα)
Upupa epops epops (Τσαλαπετεινός)
Αξιόλογα Αμφίβια / Ερπετά
Coluber gemonensis gemonensis
Coluber najadum dahlii (Σαΐτα του Νταλ)
Elaphe quatuorlineata quatuorlineata (Λαφίτης)
Elaphe situla (Σπιτόφιδο)
Emys orbicularis (Βαλτοχελώνα)
Lacerta graeca (Γραικόσαυρα)
Malpolon monspessulanus insignitus (Σαπίτης)
Podarcis peloponnesiaca lais (Γουστέρα της Βόρειας Πελοποννήσου)
Rana graeca (Ελληνικός Βάτραχος)
Testudo hermanni hermanni (Ονυχοχελώνα)
Testudo marginata (Κρασπεδωτή χελώνα)
Triturus alpestris alpestris(t.a. veluchiensis) (Αλπικός Τρίτωνας)
Vipera ammodytes meridionalis (Οχιά)
Αξιόλογα Ψάρια
Αξιόλογα Ασπόνδυλα
Σχόλια για τα είδη