Σχόλιο για τις αξίες |
The importance of the mountain range of Erymanthos lies in the presence of many endemic plants. Although less than those on the other high mountains of Peloponnisos, well conserved coniferous forests with Abies cephalonica and Juniperus foetidissima at the mountainous altitudinal levels, as well as well preserved habitats of the Mountain- and Oro-Mediterranean zones (1600-2221m) are present, along with open stepped garland grasslands, dense, closed chionophilous grasslands, calcareous cliffs and screes. The occurrence of some Peloponnesian endemics on Mt. Erymanthos must be pointed out. Due to the fact that no species is known to be singly endemic to Mt. Erymanthos, we have to mention the lack of complete floristic and vegetation research from all Erymanthos. A great percentage of the endemic and non-endemic taxa of Erymanthos is classified as one of the main IUCN Red Data Book categories (Rare, Vulnerable, Endangered). As concerns the species listed in section 3.3 with motivation D, the following reasons must be referred: Saxifraga paniculata: An arctic-alpine species occuring in all the major mountain ranges of C and S Europe and extending through Anatolia to the Caucasus; S Norway; Greenland; E North America. In Peloponnisos this species occurs only on Mt. Erymanthos. Cotoneaster integerrimus: singly occurring on Mt. Erymanthos as concerns Peloponnisos. This species is distributed in C. and S. Europe and locally in Scandinavia. Scrophularia myriophylla: A species of eastern origin distributed in Anatolia and on mountains of S Greece (Taygetos, Kyllini, Chelmos, Erymanthos). Allium phtioticum: a Balkan species distributed in Greece (Peloponnisos, Sterea Ellada, Pindos, North Central) and Albania (Mt. Olonan). In Peloponnisos, this species has limited occurences on Mts. Erymanthos and Chelmos. Dasypyrum hordeaceum: This species presents a disjunct distribution as it occurs only in NW Africa and Greece. In Greece, it is found only on the Mts. Taygetos and Erymanthos. Moreover to the above mentioned taxa incorporated in Motivation D, some comments must be made on the geographical distribution of the rest species which belong to the following categories: a) Balkan endemics: Poa thessala, Lilium chalcedonicum, Minuartia stellata, Acer heldreichi, Dianthus integer subsp. minutiflorus, Silene radicosa subsp.radicosa, Achillea holosericea, Arenaria cretica, Astragalus creticus subsp. rumelicus, Campanula spatulata subsp. spatulata, Anthyllis vulneraria subsp. bulgarica, Herniaria parnassica subsp. parnassica,Hieracium cymosum subsp. heldreichianum, Myosotis alpestris subsp. suaveolens, Saxifraga chrysosplenifolia, Scrophularia laciniata, Trifolium pignantii, Valantia aprica, Allium phtioticum, Arabis bryoides, Helleborus cyclophyllus and Senecio thapsoides. b) Species distributed in the Balkan peninsula and Anatolia: Acanthollimon echinus subsp.echinus, Anthemis cretica subsp. cretica, Aethionema saxatile subsp. oreophilum, Carduus tmoleus, Dianthus viscidus, Geranium macrostylum, Saxifraga sempervivum, Scrophularia myriophylla, Thymus longicaulis subsp. chaubardii, Allium frigidum, Pimpinella tragium subsp. polyclada. c) The remaining species present an interesting distribution range. Some of the above mentioned species are incorporated in one of the IUCN Red Data Book categories (WCMC 1993) : Allium frigidum (R), Allium phtioticum (R), Scrophularia myriophylla (R). d) endemics: Cymbalaria microcalyx subsp. minor: An endemic species of W Greece (Ionian islands, Peloponnisos)and the adjacent mainland. This species is found on Mt. Boumistos (Akarnia), Mt. Ainos on Kefalonia (Ionian islands) and in Peloponnisos only on Mt. Erymanthos. Edraianthus parnassicus: An endemic species in Peloponnisos distributed only on Mt. Erymanthos, but also occurring on the high mountains of Sterea Ellada (Parnassos, Gkiona, Oiti, Vardousia, Oxya, Chelidona, Kaliakouda, Tymfristos). Many remarkable vertebrate taxa (excluding birds) are included in the fauna recorded in this site; they are amphibians, reptiles or mammals. This species is naturally distributed in most of the Greek mainland and some islands, also penetrating into southern Albania. It also occurs in Sardinia, where it has probably been introduced. Testudo marginata is an animal protected by both the International and Greek legislation. All the remaining taxa were considered as Other Important on the basis of the motivation system used in section 3.3. The jackal Canis aureus is a threatened mammal with the status "Vulnerable" according to the Greek Red Data Book. The significance of the fauna of this mountain is also indicated by the sympatric occurrence of three Greek endemic lizard taxa (Algyroides moreoticus, Podarcis peloponnesiaca and Podarcis erhardii livadiaca) and one endemic carnivorous mammal (the fox Vulpes vulpes hellenica). With the exceptions of the jackal all other vertebrate taxa of section 3.3 are protected by the Bern Convention and therefore have the C motivation. Some taxa of this sections are given the D motivation because they are listed in the Greek Presidential Decree 67/1981. Moreover, the toad Bufo viridis and the gecko lizard Cyrtodactylus kotschyi bibroni, have been evaluated by the CORINE-Biotopes Project thus receiving the same motivation for this reason. Some other taxa are also given motivation D for additional reasons. Namely, the Alpine Newt, Triturus alpestris, is very rare in northern Peloponnisos where few isolated small populations have been found; the gecko lizard C. k. bibroni has a very broken distribution area in Greece, while the hare Lepus europaeus, is very rare throughout the country due to intensive hunting. The invertebrate species listed in section 3.3 with motivation C are protected by the Bern Convention.The invertebrate species listed in section 3.3 with motivation D are protected by the Greek Presidential Decree 67/1981, Spialia phlomidis is also included in the list of "Threatened Rhopalocera (butterflies) of Europe". Pyrgus alveus and Thersamonia thersamon are also included in this list. |