Σχόλιο για τις αξίες |
Area with rich forest of deciduous trees (especially beech forest) and coniferous trees (Pinus nigra). It has many rare species (like the ampibian Triturus karelinii) and species with restricted distribution in the Balkan peninsula. The forest resources of Lailias provide a variety of recreational offerings: hunting, picnicking and camping; walking, hiking and mountain climbing; driving vehicles in forest settling; winter sport and skiing; photography, painting and nature study. Although most commercial forests are publicity owned, they are have harvested by private associations under arrangements with the Greek Forest Service. A lot of poor people work in logging and wood using industries, so the local unemployment decrease remarkable. Concerning the fauna the quality of the site is indicated by the occurence of the mammal Vulpes vulpes, which is refered to Corine biotopes project 1988. Technical handbook. vol. 1., the invertebrate Kirinia climene which is refered to Heath J. 1981. Threatened Rhopalocera (butterflies) of Europe. Council of Europe, the invertebrate Helix philibinensis, which is the southern edge of extension.Concerning the wild growning plants the quality of the site is indicated by the occurrence of other important taxa. Among them, one taxon is greek endemic, 6 taxa (Dactylorhiza kalopissii, Festuca koritnicensis, Onosma heterophyllum, Ranunculus fontanus, Rhinanthus pindicus, Sempervivum marmoreum) are included in the WCMC and/or European Red Data list, 10 taxa (Acer heldreichii, Atropa bella - donna, Dactylorhiza cordigera, Dactylorhiza sambucina, Dianthus viscidus, Digitalis viridiflora, Gymnadenia frivaldii, Lilium martagon, Picea abies ssp. abies, Viola tricolor ssp. macedonica) are protected by the Greek Presidental Decree (67/1981), 4 taxa are rare (Epilobium collinum, Galium macedonicum, Ranunculus incomparabilis, Trifolium spadiceum) in Greece and/or reach their extreme distribution limits in Northern Greece, 17 taxa (Abies borisii-regis, Achillea chrysocoma, Allium melanantherum, Asperula aristata ssp. nestia, Bruckenthalia spiculifolia, Centaurea napulifera ssp. napulifera, Cerastium rectum, Cirsium appendiculatum, Galium hellenicum, Hieracium cymosum ssp. heldeichianum, Hypericum rumeliacum ssp. rumeliacum, Saxifraga chrysospleniifolia, Scrophularia aestivalis, Sideritis scardica, Stachys plumosa, Thymus degenii, Thymus stojanovii) are Balkan endemics and 2 taxa (Saxifraga sempervivum, Silene roemeri) find their main distribution area in the Balkan Peninsula extending also to Turkey or Italy. |