Στοιχεία Τόπου

Επίπεδα τόπων:

Σχεδίαση επιφανειών
Κωδικοί τόπων

Χαρτογραφικό υπόβαθρο:

Open cycle map
Open Street map
Κτηματολόγιο Α.Ε.

Γενικά Στοιχεία

Κατηγορία Τόπου Βιότοπος NATURA
Κωδικός Τόπου GR4340007
Κύριος Χαρακτήρας
Φυσικό Τοπίο
Δομημένο Τοπίο
Διοικητική Υποδιαίρεση Νομός Χανίων
Συνολική Έκταση (ha) 497.73
Χερσαία Έκταση (ha) 497.73
Συνολική Περίμετρος (km) 23.1
Μέγιστο Υψόμετρο (m) 704.0
Ελάχιστο Υψόμετρο (m) 100.0
Ένταξη στο Υπάρχον Θεσμικό Πλαίσιο


Τύπος Τοπίου
Περιγραφή Τόπου Therissos gorge is located about 6 km south of the town of Chania, between the villages Perivolia and Therissos. Along the canyon there is a road joining Chania with the mountain Lefka Ori. Its width varies from 15 to 250 m and its length is about 9 km. A small valley is formed at the broadest area, at the entrance of the canyon which is cultivated with woody plants (orchards and vineyards). The rest of the site is characterized by cliffs, chasms, and screes, with a variety of endemic plants. Along the stream there are groups of Platanus orientalis and Nerium oleander. Around the gorge there are phrygana in a good condition and caves not open to the public. There is also a small cypress forest near the village of Therissos.NOTES9320 is used to describe Oleo-Ceratonia matorral (not forest).
Κατάσταση Τόπου
Εγκατάλειψη οικισμών
Τάση Κατάστασης Τόπου
Ιστορία και εξέλιξη του τόπου
Σημεία με καλή Θέα
Μονοπάτια Περίπατοι


Οικολογική Αξία
Κοινωνικοοικονομική/πολιτιστική Αξία
Αισθητική Αξία
Σχόλιο για τις αξίες The quality and importance of Therissos gorge is comprised of the following elements: 1) It is of great aesthetic value. 2) It is easy to approach, due to its location near the town of Chania and the existence of the road, running along it. 3) There is a variety of sufficiently conserved habitats within a small area. 4) Its flora is rich in common and endemic species; the latter are of great interest and most of them are rare or threatened and protected at international (Bern Convention) or national (Presidential Decree 67/81) level. The local endemics Ferulago thyrsiflora and Petrorhagia dianthoides and the non-endemic Ranunculus creticus are included in the IUCN Red Data List (1993) in the category of threatened plants characterized as "rare" and they are protected by the Greek Law (Presidential Decree 67/81). Other important species are: Lactuca acanthifolia (= Scariola acanthifolia) is found in Ydra, Cyclades, East Aegean Islands andonly in SW Turkey out of Greece. The species Onosma graeca is found ionly in NW Anatolia, out of Greece. Brassica cretica ssp. cretica is a chasmophyte occurring only in C. and S. Lebanon out of Greece. 5) The rarity of the snake Elaphe situla (which islisted in the Annex II of the Council Ditective 92/43/EEC) which lives in the site together with the fact that Crete is the southernmost limit of this species distribution, make its preservation very important for the fauna of the island. Other important species with motivation D: Podarcis erchardii: There is a dense population of the species in the site, in contrast with the rest of Crete, which is the southernmost limit of its distribution. So, the conservation of this population is of great importance for the preservation of the reptile fauna of the island as a whole.


Σχόλιο για τις απειλές-διαταραχές
Τρωτότητα The general impacts and threats within and around the site are described in section 6.1. However, it is worth to note that grazing, fire, and illegal shooting are the main theats within the site.
Προτεραιότητα προστασίας

Πανίδα και Χλωρίδα

Χαρακτηριστικά Ενδιαιτήματα
Αξιόλογα Φυτά
Allium dilatatum
Centaurea argentea
Cyclamen creticum
Ebenus cretica (Έβενος ο κρητικός)
Erysimum raulinii
Inula candida candida
Lactuca acanthifolia
Origanum dictamnus
Petromarula pinnata
Ranunculus creticus
Scutellaria sieberi
Verbascum arcturus
Αξιόλογα Θηλαστικά
Meles meles (Ασβός)
Αξιόλογα Πτηνά
Cisticola juncidis juncidis (Κιστικόλη (Ντουλαπάρης))
Αξιόλογα Αμφίβια / Ερπετά
Coluber gemonensis gemonensis
Elaphe situla (Σπιτόφιδο)
Podarcis erhardii amorgensis (Σιλιβούτι της Αμοργού)
Αξιόλογα Ψάρια
Αξιόλογα Ασπόνδυλα
Σχόλια για τα είδη