Σχόλιο για τις αξίες |
The whole area, north-eastern Amorgos and the offshore islets, is quite important regarding its ecological and scientific quality as well as its aesthetic value. Though the area has not been sufficiently studied yet, the available data show a high degree of endemism both in plant and animal species. The floristic and faunistic importance of the area is due to the position of the islets, being in the centre of the Aegean sea, and to their relatively large size (compared to other Aegean islets). Their fauna and flora has elements of the surrounding areas. Also, the island of Amorgos, which is the easternmost island of the Cyclades, shows characteristic elements of the Asian and European fauna and flora. Regarding the flora, the limestone cliffs and screes that characterise the site are typical habitats of endemic plant species. An analytical description of some important elements of the flora and fauna makes its importance evident: Fauna: There are some strict endemic subspecies of the lizard Podarcis erhardii and a snake subspecies, Elaphe quatorlineata rechingeri (listed on 3.2.d.). All the reptiles listed on section 3.3. are legally protected species. In particular, The species Cyrtodactylus kotschyi, Podarcis erhardii and Rana ridibunda are protected by the Greek Law (Presidential Decree 67/81) and by the Bern Convention (app. II). The species Eryx jaculus is protected by the Bern Convention (app. II). Podarcis erhardii and Rana ridibunda are also included in Annex IV of the Directive 92/43/EEC. The only invertebrate species that have been studied on the islands are isopods and molluscs. The species which are listed on he section of "other important species" are all endemic, mainly to the island and some to the Aegean. Plants: The plants listed on section 3.3. (other important species) are either endemic to one of the islets or to Amorgos or endemic to the Aegean, most of them rare species. OTHER IMPORTANT SPECIES WITH MOTIVATION D (for the other species explanations are given in the above text)Fibigia lunarioides, Aurinia saxatilis (=Alyssum saxatile) and Allium luteolum are protected by the Greek Law (Presidential Decree 67/81). Anthyllis aegaea, Asperula abbreviata, Asperula tournefortii, Campanula hetrophylla, Centaurea oliveriana, Dianthus fruticosus, Eryngium amorginum, Fibigia lunarioides, Gallium amorginum, Origanum tournefortii (O. calcaratum), Seseli gummiferum ssp. crithmifolium and Symphytum davisii are listed on the IUCN Red Data list in the category of threatened species (1988; 1993), characterized as "Rare" and are protected by the Greek Law (Presidential Decree 67/81).Helichrysum orientale Iia a species with distribution in Greece and W Turkey. Lactuca acanthifolia (= Scariola acanthifolia) is found in Ydra, Cyclades, East Aegean Islands and only in SW Turkey out of Greece. Senecio bicolor is a chasmophyte with a restricted geographical area of distribution forming isolated populations with local differentiation (scattered in the Mediterranean,Cyclades, Kythira, Nisyros, Chios). Brassica cretica ssp. aegaea is a chasmophyte with distribution in Greece, SW Anatolia, Mt Carmel. Astragalus spruneri is endemic to the Balkans, Aegean Islands and Anatolia. |