Σχόλιο για τις αξίες |
The scientific knoweledge (published data) for the area is very poor. The importance of the islets is great for both terrestrial and marine ecosystems. They can be considered as a unique "oasis" of terrestrial and marine ecosystems in the Aegean, even in the whole eastern Mediterranean Sea. The shallow waters that surround them, even though they cover a small area, are essentially important for the marine ecosystems, especially for the oligitrophic systems of the east Mediterranean; marine organisms breed and they also seek shelter in these areas. The rocky substrate of the sea bottom is covered by Cystoseira sp. In addition, these islets are the only peaks of land in a large area of a deep sea. The terrestrial ecosystems are remnants of the old Aegaeis and this is reflected in their flora and fauna. Also these ecosytems, though tiny, are very important for migrating birds as well as for breeding seabirds. Their whole fauna and flora, which contain rare and endemic species, is in disequilibrium, constantly changing, due to the constantly changing enviroment. The flora is characterized by the presence of vicariant species (or islet specialists). In detail, on each islet there are: Podarcis milensis is found on Velopoula, Ananes and Falkonera. Cyrtodactylus kotshyi is found on Velopoula, Ananes, Falkonera, Christiana, Pacheia, Fteno, Makra, Astakida, Ounio, Karavia, Aderfia and Zafora (the largest one). Telescopus fallax is found on Christiana. Podarcis erhardii is found on Pacheia, Fteno, Makra, Zafora, Tria Nisia and Astakida. The Bern Convention (appendix II) and the Greek law (Presidential Decree 67/1981) protect the species Cyrtodactylus kotschyi, Telescopus fallax, Podarcis erhardii, and Podarcis milensis. Podarcis erhardii Podarcis milensis are listed on Annex IV of the Directive 92/43/EEC. Posidonian beds are found around Astakida islet, Syrna and Tria Nisia. Silene holzmanii (included in Annex II of the Directive 92/43/EEC) is found on Mikro Zofrano, Karavonisia, Tria Nisia, Avgo and Astakida. S. holzmanii is a vulnerable Aegean endemic (IUCN 1993) protected by the Bern Convention and by the Greek Law (Presidential Decree 67/81). It is a vicariant chasmophyte found on circa 15 locations in the Aegean. Other important plant species are: Achillea cretica, an aegean region species (occurring out of Greece only in SW Turkey) is found on Syrna, Dyo Adelfia, Tria Nisia, Zafora, Astakida. Anthemis ammanthus ssp. ammanthus (=Ammanthus maritimus), an endemic species, is found on Zafora islets and on Tria Nisia. Asperula tournefortii, a rare endemic species (IUCN 1993) of limestone cliffs is found on Zafora islets and Astakida. Arenaria aegaea (=A. serpyllifolia ssp. aegaea), an Aegean endemic, is found on Fteno, Makra, Zafora islets, Chamili, Avgo and Divounia (Ounianisia). Anthemis scopulorum, an Aegean endemic, is found on Ananes, Zafora and Astakida. Fibigia lunarioides, an aegean endemic, is found on the same islets, except Astakida. It is protected by the Greek law (Presidential Decree 67/1981). Atriplex recurva, an endemic aegean species, is found on Zafora islets. Brassica cretica ssp. aegaea, a chasmophyte with distribution in Greece, SW Anatolia, Mt Carmel, is found on Zafora islets.Limonium frederici, a rare (IUCN 1993) endemic species is found on Tria Nisia and Zafora islets. It is protected by the Greek law (Presidential Decree 67/1981). Centaurea raphanina ssp. mixta (=Centaurea mixta), an endemic phrygana species, is found on Christiana, Syrna, Tria Nisia, Pachia, Makra. Onosma graeca, a species of S Greece, Aegean and NW Anatolia, is found on Syrna and on Tria Nisia. Origanum tournefortii (=O. calcaratum), a rare (IUCN 1993) endemic species is found is found on Syrna and Zafora islet. Salsola aegaea, an Aegean endemic, is found on Fteno, Makra, Zafora, Karavonisia, Chamili, Astakida. Scorzonera eximia (an aegean endemic, included in S. anaerosa described from the Cyclades in Flora Europaea) is found on Zafora islets. Staehelina fruticosa is found on Syrba and Zafora islets. Teucrium brevifolium, an East mediterranean species, is found on Syrna. Trigonella rechingeri is a rare (IUCN 1993) endemic species is found on Zafora islets. It is protected by the Greek law (Presidential Decree 67/1981). Tordylium aegaeum, a species endemic to Cyclades, East Aegean Islands, Rodos, S & W Anatolia, is found on Syrna.Nigella degenii, an Aegean endemic, is found on Zafora islets. Another four interesting species whose occurence on the islets should be noted are: Polygala monspeliaca, found on Syrna and Tria Nisia (only in the north). Convolvulus pentapetaloides, found on Christiana, Syrna, Tria Nisia.Diplotaxis viminea v. integrifolia, found only on Syrna islet. Dactylis marina, found on Avgo. |