Σχόλιο για τις αξίες |
The group of islands that comprise the site is of great biogeographical interest, as it is a zone influenced by both continental and S. Aegean faunistic and floristic elements and its flora, at least, is differentiated even from that the closest island, Kythira, located between Antikythira and the mainland (Peloponnesos). This fact is indicative of the ecological quality of the site and of its importance for conservation. Particular elements of the ecological importance of the site are:1) It is an important area for the migratory bird species. 2) The Mediterranean monk seal is resident in the site. 3) The reptile species present in the site (listed on section 3.3.) are protected by the Bern Convention and by the Greek Law (Presidential Decree 67/1981) and some of them are considered species of Community interest (Directive 92/43/EEC). 4) The invertebrate fauna is interesting. All invertebrates listed on section 3.3 are endemic to Greece. The isopod T. haplophilum and the gastropods S. insularis, T. poenicilodoma, V. cerigottana and M. ehrenbergi are endemic to the site. In addition, ancient sand-dunes with fossils of many gastropod species (most psychrophilic) in Potamos harbour are of great scientific interest. 5) The flora of this group of islands has not been adequately studied, but the few existing data indicate its interest. OTHER IMPORTANT SPECIES WITH MOTIVATION D (for fauna species see text above) Plants: Viola scorpiuroides is included in the IUCN Red Data List (1993) in the category of threatened plants characterized as rare ana is protected by the Greek Law (Presidential Decree 67/81). Note: The IUCN characterizations given concern the plant's status in Greece. |