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The most notable feature of the site is its biodiversity. The mosaic of habitats and the resultant large number of ecotopes support an extremely rich fauna in terms of quality and quantity. Many significant invertebrate and vertebrate species, inhabiting the area covered by the site have been recorded. Twelve species of birds are listed on the Annex I of the Directive 79/409/EEC. The site also hosts other important species, i.e., insects, amphibian, reptile, mammals, and one edemic fish (Pseudophoxinus pleurobipunctatus, included in 3.2.e. by its synonym Phoxinellus spp.) listed on Annex II of the Directive 92/43/EEC. Many other species, i.e., amphibian, reptiles, birds, and mammals, occurring in the area are protected by the Bern Convention. Additionally, the ichthyofauna of Tavropos lake contains certain rather rare species, which are endemic or endemic with a wide distribution area. The above species and specific mammals are included in the National Red Data Book as locally vulnerable, vulnerable, or insufficiently known species. On the other hand, the biodiversity of the vegetation indicates the presence of a rich and interesting flora that has not been sufficiently studied yet. OTHER IMPORTANT SPECIES WITH MOTIVATION D Plants: Aesculus hippocastanum is an East Mediterranean endemic, native only in the Balkan peninsula in Europe (Greece, former Jugoslavia, Albania, Bulgaria). Dianthus formanekii is a balkan endemic (former Jugoslavia, Macedonia, Thessalia). Helleborus cyclophyllus is a balkan endemic (S part of Balkan peninsula). Rosa arvensis is included in IUCN Red Data List (1993) as an endangered species of Rosaceae, at the the World level. Animals: There are two vertebrates, namely Ablepharus kitaibeli (reptile), Erinaceus concolor (mammal) which are protected by the Greek Law (Presidential Decree 67/81). NOTE The population of Phoxinellus spp. of this site belongs to the species P. pleurobipunctatus. According to some authors (Ladiges & Vogt, 1979; Economidis, 1991) this species belongs to the genus Pseudophoxinus. |