Στοιχεία Τόπου

Επίπεδα τόπων:

Σχεδίαση επιφανειών
Κωδικοί τόπων

Χαρτογραφικό υπόβαθρο:

Open cycle map
Open Street map
Κτηματολόγιο Α.Ε.

Γενικά Στοιχεία

Κατηγορία Τόπου Βιότοπος NATURA
Κωδικός Τόπου GR2530001
Κύριος Χαρακτήρας
Φυσικό Τοπίο
Δομημένο Τοπίο
Διοικητική Υποδιαίρεση Νομός Κορινθίας
Συνολική Έκταση (ha) 23423.92
Χερσαία Έκταση (ha) 23423.92
Συνολική Περίμετρος (km) 77.5
Μέγιστο Υψόμετρο (m) 2364.0
Ελάχιστο Υψόμετρο (m) 136.0
Ένταξη στο Υπάρχον Θεσμικό Πλαίσιο


Τύπος Τοπίου
Περιγραφή Τόπου In the forest altitudinal levels of Mount Kyllini the Abies cephalonica forests occupy great areas, followed by Pinus nigra subsp. pallasiana forests. The Flampouritsa gorge is crossed by the Sithos river and it is characterized by Abies cephalonica and Pinus nigra ssp. pallasiana forests, hydrophilous facies of the montane conifer forests present Platanus orientalis, limestone rocky habitats and open-stripped grasslands in the higher altitudinal levels in the transition to the above the timberline vegetation. The medium altitudinal levels (600-800m) are characterized by remnant deciduous forest stands with Quercus pubescens and great areas of cultivated land.
Κατάσταση Τόπου
Εγκατάλειψη οικισμών
Τάση Κατάστασης Τόπου
Ιστορία και εξέλιξη του τόπου
Σημεία με καλή Θέα
Μονοπάτια Περίπατοι


Οικολογική Αξία
Κοινωνικοοικονομική/πολιτιστική Αξία
Αισθητική Αξία
Σχόλιο για τις αξίες Mount Kyllini is characterized by a rich flora (ca. 1000 taxa) and a relatively high percentage of endemism of which some are exclusive endemics, some other are Peloponnisos endemics and many are Greek endemics distributed in more than one phytogeographical region. In the upper altitudinal levels (>= 1000-2376 m) an important concentration of endemic species is observed related to phytosociological isolation (1000-1500 m, 1500-2000 m, 2000-2376 m. Morover, a great diversity of habitat types is observed in the upper altitudes (above 1600 m). Most of the rare, endangered or vulnerable species are present more or less exclusively in the various plant communities. Species occurring in restricted habitats of the summits of Mount Kyllini are the following: Verbascum cylleneum, Galium cyllenium, Erodium chrysanthum, Globularia stygia, Valeriana olenaea, Scrophularia myriophylla, Cynoglossum graecum, and Allium frigidum. The Flampouritsa gorge constitutes the only known locality in Mount Kyllini for the following species: Centaurea amplifolia and Verbascum daenzeri, as well as of the species Adonis cyllenea and Biebersteinia orphanidea, which are considered to be extinct from their locus classicus. The species included in sections 3.3 (Other Important Species) with Motivation D belong to the following categories:a) Balkan endemics: Poa thessala, Lilium chalcedonicum, Minuartia stellata, Acer heldreichi, Dianthus integer subsp. minutiflorus, Silene radicosa subsp.radicosa, Anthyllis vulneraria subsp. bulgarica, Centaurea amplifolia. b) Species distributed in the Balkan peninsula and Anatolia:Acantholimon echinus subsp.echinus, Anthemis cretica subsp. Cretica c) The remaining species present an interesting distribution range. Some of the above mentioned species are incorporated in one of the IUCN Red Data Book categories (WCMC 1993): Centaurea amplifolia (R), Solenanthus stamineus (E). Many non-bird vertebrate taxa which are significant for a number of reasons, have been recorded at this site. Among them, two threatened bats are mentioned in Annex II of the 92/43/EEC Directive (section 3.2). Several amphibian, reptilian and mammalian taxa are listed in sections 3.3 as Other Important Taxa. Two of these taxa, the Grey Hampster Cricetulus migratorius, and the Forest Dormouse Dryomys nitedula wingei, are threatened and included in the Greek Red Data Book (under the categories of "Endangered" and "Rare" respectively). Three taxa (the lizards Algyroides moreoticus and Podarcis erhardii livadiaca, and the fox Vulpes vulpes hellenica) are endemic to Greece. Most of these important taxa are listed in the Bern Convention (motivation C) and/or in the Greek Presidential Decree 67/1981 (motivation D). Two of these taxa (Bufo viridis and Hyla arborea) are also mentioned in the CORINE-Biotopes project; two others (Coluber gemonensis, Dryomys nitedula wingei) are Balkan endemics, and one (Cricetulus migratorius) has the southwestern end of its distribution in Peloponnisos. All these are additional reasons leading us to mark these taxa with motivation D.


Σχόλιο για τις απειλές-διαταραχές
Τρωτότητα The dense development of a forest road network even in the most isolated localities of Mt. Kyllini is the most direct factor of the degradation and restriction of the forest coverage for the habitats above 1000 m. The fires which occurred within the Supra-Mediterranean vegetation zones and especially within and around the Flampouritsa gorge, destroyed great surfaces of Abies cephalonica and Pinus nigra forests and has seriously affected the animal populations. In some cases, especially in the south slopes of Mount Kyllini the overgrazing seems to be the most effective factor contributing to the degradation and total disappearance of forests at altitudes over 1500 m. On the above the timberline habitats, grazing may be considered as a coevolution factor of the vegetation of the open stripped grasslands with climatic stresses.
Προτεραιότητα προστασίας

Πανίδα και Χλωρίδα

Χαρακτηριστικά Ενδιαιτήματα
Αξιόλογα Φυτά
Abies borisii-regis (Μακεδονικό έλατο)
Abies cephalonica (Κεφαλλονίτικο έλατο)
Acantholimon echinus echinus (Ακανθολιμών ο εχίνος)
Acer heldreichii heldreichii (Αγριοπλάτανος)
Achillea umbellata monocephala
Adonis cyllenea
Alkanna methanaea
Amelanchier chelmea (Αμελάνχιερ του Χελμού)
Anthemis cretica cretica
Anthyllis vulneraria bulgarica
Arabis subflava
Arenaria filicaulis graeca
Asperula arcadiensis
Asperula boissieri
Asperula lutea
Aster alpinus
Astragalus drupaceus
Aurinia moreana
Beta nana
Biarum spruneri
Campanula radicosa
Campanula topaliana cordifolia
Centaurea amplifolia
Centaurea raphanina mixta
Cerastium candidissimum
Chaerophyllum heldreichii
Cirsium hypopsilum
Convolvulus libanoticus (Κονβόλβουλος του Λιβάνου)
Crataegus pycnoloba
Crocus biflorus melantherus
Dianthus androsaceus
Dianthus biflorus
Dianthus integer minutiflorus
Dianthus mercurii
Dianthus serratifolius abbreviatus
Draba lacaitae
Ebenus sibthorpii (Έβενος του Σιμπθόρπ)
Echinops sphaerocephalus taygeteus
Erodium chrysanthum
Erysimum cephalonicum
Erysimum pectinatum
Festuca jeanpertii
Fritillaria graeca
Galium cyllenium
Galium peloponnesiacum
Geocaryum peloponnesiacum
Globularia stygia (Γκλομπουλάρια της Στύγας)
Helianthemum hymettium (Ηλιάνθεμο του Υμηττού)
Inula verbascifolia methanea
Laserpitium pseudomeum
Lilium chalcedonicum
Lysimachia serpyllifolia
Minuartia confusa
Minuartia juniperina
Minuartia pichleri
Minuartia stellata
Minuartia verna attica
Onobrychis ebenoides
Ornithogalum atticum
Paronychia albanica graeca
Petrorhagia phthiotica
Poa thessala
Rhamnus sibthorpianus (Ράμνος του Σίμπθορπ)
Rindera graeca
Saxifraga sibthorpii
Scorzonera crocifolia
Sideritis clandestina clandestina
Silene auriculata
Silene congesta
Silene radicosa
Solenanthus stamineus
Teucrium aroanium (Τεύκριο των Αροανίων)
Thamnosciadium junceum
Thlaspi graecum
Thymus leucotrichus leucotrichus
Trifolium parnassi
Trinia frigida
Valeriana olenaea
Verbascum cylleneum
Verbascum daenzeri
Verbascum epixanthinum
Verbascum speciosum megaphlomos
Veronica thymifolia
Viola chelmea
Viola graeca
Viola mercurii
Αξιόλογα Θηλαστικά
Cricetulus migratorius atticus (Νανοκρικετός)
Dryomys nitedula wingei (Δεντρομυωξός)
Lepus europaeus carpathous (Λαγός της Καρπάθου)
Martes foina (Κουνάβι)
Meles meles (Ασβός)
Mustela nivalis galinthias (Νυφίτσα)
Myotis myotis (Τρανομυωτίδα)
Rhinolophus hipposideros (Μικρορινόλοφος)
Αξιόλογα Πτηνά
Αξιόλογα Αμφίβια / Ερπετά
Algyroides moreoticus (Πελοπονησσιακή σαύρα)
Bufo viridis viridis (Πρασινόφρυνος)
Coluber gemonensis gemonensis
Hyla arborea arborea (Δεντροβάτραχος)
Podarcis muralis albanica (Αλβανική γουστέρα)
Rana graeca (Ελληνικός Βάτραχος)
Salamandra salamandra salamandra (Σαλαμάνδρα)
Vipera ammodytes meridionalis (Οχιά)
Αξιόλογα Ψάρια
Αξιόλογα Ασπόνδυλα
Σχόλια για τα είδη